Mercat de les Flors - Dance House of Barcelona


Dance builds stories from emotions creating territories of freedom. Territories of conquered freedom where each one can interpret what one wants, where each one creates its own story.

Dance builds stories from emotions creating territories of freedom. Territories of conquered freedom where each one can interpret what one wants, where each one creates its own story.


Perhaps someone who has ever attended a show of contemporary dance has had the feeling of not understanding anything. That what you’ve interpreted is not what it should be.


Dance has no valid interpretation. There are 10, 100, 100,000, as many as viewers. To demonstrate that, we recorded a piece of dance with Lali Aiguader, a dancer winner of the Palma of Gold in Cannes 2016, and we asked 6 artists to interpret her movements. From their free interpretations we created our campaign.


With the interventions of these four illustrators, Ricardo Cávolo, Carla Fuentes, Carmen Segovia and Pol Montserrat, and two animation studies, Animal and Blao, we created four print originals, two cinema commercials, a subway channel piece and some RRSS capsules. We even took their interpretations to the theater baths. But we didn’t settle with this. To really demonstrate all interpretations are valid, during the act of presentation of the new season we asked each one of the viewers to draw its own interpretation in one of the frames of the video of Lali Ayguader and we put them altogether creating a final commercial.

Dancer: Laly Ayguader Film&Photography: Marcel Joan Illustrators: Ricardo Cávolo, Carla Fuentes, Carmen Segovia and Pep Montserrat Animation: Animal and Blao

C/ de Casp, 54,
08010 Barcelona,
Tel +34 93 706 21 60

Contact us for bussiness inquires


Make it GAS is represented in the US
by Adrian Roche Corporation

1055 Howell Mill Rd, Ste 8082
Atlanta, GA 30318
United States

Tel +1 332 255 7123